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The Galactic-Self Activation - Level 2: The Galactic Portal Activation

The Galactic-Self Activation - Level 2: The Galactic Portal Activation

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By Jay M Burrell

Prerequisite: The Galactic Self Activation Level 1

There are 5 activations for the Galactic Self Level 2 system. These MUST have a gap of 7 days between each one.

There are many levels of consciousness that reside within each and every one of us, but for a vast majority of people they will only use the most limited or restricted level of consciousness which is that of the lower self or the ego mind. This level of consciousness directly corresponds to the parameters of the 3rd dimensional reality which is the realm of space, time an density. Beyond this is the level of the Soul Self, also known as the
Galactic Self. It is through the re-connection of your Soul Self/ Galactic Self that you will receive pure spiritual guidance to help awaken and expand your natural born abilities of experiencing states of pure oneness where space and time no longer exist in a way that you believe them to be.

This system focuses on 5 galactic portals which are most commonly associated with previous incarnations of souls who are now within their human form on planet earth.

The Andromeda Galactic Portal
The vibrational frequencies of the Andromeda Galactic Portal are of an extremely high intensity and force us to open ourselves up to the expansiveness of the divine creational light. This activation gives you the ability to meld your etheric body with this life force so that you can become more fluidic in your thoughts and actions.

The Arcturian Galactic Portal
The 2nd activation is to the Arcturians from Arcturus. The Arcturians are universally known as the healers of the universe. They are the ones whom you should ask to assist you when you are in pain or emotional distress.

The Orion Galactic Portal
The Orion Galactic Portal is slightly different to many others in that this is an attunement that connects you with the energies of the Orion Masters. The focus of this attunement is to help you embody and emanate the highest level of personal power that you can achieve within your current lifetime. This heightened expression of personal power and gifts are given so that you can become a being who is constantly in service to humanity and also to God/Goddess/Spirit, whatever name you give to the universal consciousness. 

The Sirian Galactic Portal
The Sirian Galactic Portal Activation has been designed to connect you with the ancient energies of the Sirians. This deep energetic connection with the Sirian Council and Mother Earth will give you the strongest alignment that you have ever felt. This is  especially true for us starseeds who find it very difficult to live within the dense energies of planet earth. Many of whom long to return to the galactic homes. 

The Pleiadian Galactic Portal
The Pleiadian Galactic Portal Activation allows the Pleiadian Masters to work with you to help anchor your energies and consciousness into the realms of pure divine love. They will help you to ground this higher vibrational consciousness by finding ways in which they can express this within the physical world. Simply through connecting with the creative energies and helping you to bring more light into your life you will begin to see the TRUE beauty in all things. th higher dimensional entities including spirit guides, ascended masters, archangels, elementals and our space brothers and sisters.




- distance attunement
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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