Jay M Burrell
Prerequisite: Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho or Usui Teate Reiki 3rd Degree for 12+ Months.
Level 1
Celestial Light Language and Light Codes can manifest themselves in a variety of ways by offering many unique spiritual gifts to the initiate. The codes work by manifesting the product of your own divine guidance, guidance which you can receive through a constant stream from the universal consciousness and celestial intelligence. The light codes are usually given in the forms of energy patterns, sacred geometry, symbols and
signs that you are not familiar with through your natural human language.
They can also manifest themselves through colour, sound waves, light patterns, energetic frequencies and etheric vibrations. The purpose of these new light codes is to offer the gifts that creation has to offer and that is why they express the diversity and individuality of life in its totality, through the different forms of their manifestation.
The sacred codes will more than likely not make any sense to the logical mind, however they are perceived and understood by the higher perception of your soul that act through your divine origin. When this occurs, the soul will activate triggers within you subconscious mind which will lead to the total activation of the light code or an inner change or manifestation of the light code and their messages. They are mostly transmitted to us through the realms of ether but can also be given to us through telepathic connections with the ascended masters and celestial light guides.
You will learn about the following and much more:
* Ascension & DNA Activation.
* Starseed Light Code & DNA Meditation.
* Light Language.
* Where Do Light Codes Come From.
* Light Code Carriers and How To Become One.
* Are You a Light Code Carrier?
* Guided Meditation to Become a Light Code Carrier!
* Activating the Light Codes.
* Connection with Your Spiritual Aspect – A Guided Meditation.
* Creating Your Own Light Codes & How They Can Benefit You.
* Crystal Chakras Light Code Encodings.
* The Crystalline Chakra Light Body Encodings.
* 3D, 4D, 5D – The Different Dimensions.
* The Higher Chakra Trilogy.
* Prayers & Divine Communication.
* Divine Blessings.
* How to Work With The Celestial Light Code Activation Energies and Crystalline Encodings.
Level 2
Mother Earth is accelerating through an intense transitory phase of moving from a 3D/4D single dimensional earth mindset based society to an expansive multi-dimensional {quantum} vibration where every belief and reality moves into “energetic review”. This review requires a continued “energetic/vibrational re-alignment” process that is performed through a state of inner awareness to the energies of sacred source/spiritual consciousness and divine light that is held within each and every one of us. Transitioning an entire planet/species out of this old way of thinking/living is beyond intricate as every aspect of each persons individual and entire life is affected by and is included in this process. With birth, creation and formation of the new earth frequencies, all new realities are born and are brought forth from deep within the human psyche. This process re-births a new being, a new state of mind, a new race and a new earth society that replaces the one that lived by the old ways of separation, ego, vanity, war, famine and negativity.
Through 2021 – 2030 we will experience the next phase of this global transition which is a part of the planetary ascension process that will establish new global templates and spiritual codes to support humanity as the greater whole. The next 9 years are going to be an intensive journey of self discount and personal transformation. They will present us with new opportunities, new potentials and all new choices too. Every individual will awaken in their own time to this new sense of spiritual conditioning that will remove the old illusions of separation, want and need. As the ego aspect becomes understood, mastered/parented/governed and is allowed to dissolve so completely that separation can merge into unification there will be a sense of transcended awakening that will come fully from within. All becomes ONE so that each person can choose to live from his or her state of spiritual oneness with every conscious act. This is where we see the new earth. This is where the new earth is created, built, lived and experienced. This is where we become the light that we truly are and we stop living in the old ways once and for all.
You will learn about the following plus much more
* The Morphogenic Field & Living in a State of Oneness
* Expansion/Visualisation/Realisation.
* The Holographic Self & DNA Activations.
* Quantum Data Information Technology.
* 2021 – A Shift In Power.
* The Old Earth/New Earth Split.
* Prioritising Your LightBody Ascension Vehicle for Experiencing and Living New Earth Oneness.
* Physical Body Ascension / NEW Earth / Living Rainbow Bridge.
* Quantum Acceleration.
* Numerical LightCodes.
* Celestial Ray LightCodes.
* Soul LightCodes.
* Stellar LightCodes and Much More.
The Celestial LightCode Activation Level 2 consists of 5 separate degrees/levels. These must be sent separately with a gap of no less than 3 days between each level.
Only registered teachers are able to teach the The Celestial Light Code Activations
- distance attunement
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate
PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email