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The 72 Light Healers Reiki

The 72 Light Healers Reiki

Regular price £40.00 GBP
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By Manuela Fasoli

The 72 Light Healers Reiki will attune you to the energies of 72 different angels and light healers to helps with all kinds of different issues. There is an angel for each birthdate as well.

The ancient Kabbalistic knowledge told us that there are 72 angels or light healers who are inhabitants of ten sephiroth (steps/wheels) of the tree of life and this attunement links you to all these light beings and their frequencies!

These angels are our guardians and our guides. They not only protect and guide us but they give us their light and their gifts. In fact every guardian angel give us some skill, some quality and some asset.To find out your guardian angel it’s important to know our birthdate because for every birthdate there’s a guardian angel.

Here is just a small example of how these lightbeings can help you. Remember there are 72:

Vehuaiah – this angel brings to you great wisdom, skills for science and the arts, helps you to overcome the hardest things and the hardest problems.

Sitael – this angel fights for you against adversities and misfortune. Protects against wounds.

Menadel – this angel helps you in finding a job and helps you to win against your slanderers.

Poiel - this angel helps you with the fulfillment of yours dreams. brings fortune


- distance attunement
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email


Price is for all levels

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