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Star Energetic Charger

Star Energetic Charger

Regular price £10.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £10.00 GBP
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by Jalu Wasonoadi & Maha Kamaleksana

Star Energetic Charger is the most energetic charger to assist the healing and balancing of the emotional body and help us to overcome stress and anxiety. It sends light out in a variety of different directions, to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in its surroundings. It resonates strongly through the base chakra and the earth chakra to release excess energy and spiritual grounding into Mother Gaia.

The energy of Star Energetic Charger will balance and support our lower chakras and provide us with a feeling of stability within our life. The vibration of this energy aids us to feel a stronger sense of support and connection to the earth.

Star Energetic Charger has an excellent vibration for allowing us to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. It may aid us to be more patient and to be more content about our life circumstances. It may relieve anger and resentment... and it is known to help us if we have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings.

Star Energetic Charger will clear our auric field of disharmony, then balance our chakras. The energy of this system may bring our vibration to a higher point, in preparation for making contact with spirit. Once it has succeeded in raising our vibration this energy then flows through to energize the physical body.



- distance attunements
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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