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Sparking the Light of Hope Within Reiki

Sparking the Light of Hope Within Reiki

Regular price £15.00 GBP
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by Daelyn Wolf

The symbol shows 3 five-point stars (the trinity) with the light shining from the center within the middle star (which represents you). The light within is hope.

To use this symbol you can print it and cut it out to place on your altar for your healing and magick. And if you choose you can light a white or blue candle for your ritual or healing session. You can visualize this symbol in the center of your palms, and place your palms together to run the energies.

This will also allow you to feel universal light and love flowing through you. It is good to do this anytime you are feeling stress, or you feel that hope is fading. Just this simple quick session will boost your positive energies and help you feel better immediately.


- Distance attunement
- Short manual
- Bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self-development, etc
- Certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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