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Sea Goddess Cliodna 9th Wave Initiation

Sea Goddess Cliodna 9th Wave Initiation

Regular price £20.00 GBP
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by Raine & Philip Hilton


This attunement provides a powerful connection and working healing system connecting you to the most powerful Goddess of the Sea  Cliodna. Though little spoken of is the mighty lady of The Ninth Wave.
The sheer majesty of this being is nothing short of breathtaking. We believe this could be the mostpowerful  attunement to Sea magic so far available. If you have a serious interest in sea-based magic, healing or ritual, this attunement will become an important part of your future working. Within this manual you will find the following unique connections to this Celtic Goddess.
This is a beautiful empowerment channelled by Raine & Philip Hilton to aid in your connection and work with Sea Goddess Cliodna. 
- An original channelled communication from Cliodna
- A unique Ritual to enable you to connect with Cliodna
- Different methods on connection
- 3 never before revealed Keywords which will enable you to unlock the power of the - Sea Kingdom for healing and ritual
- A completely different method for working healing or magic using 9th Wave
- Mandelas for synchronising your own working to the ebb and flow of the rising and falling sea tides


- distance attunement
-  manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email


Price fixed by founder



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