By Rosemary Feld
The Kava Reiki attunements will attune you to the Heart Communication Reiki Energy. There are 4 levels/attunement for Kava Reiki, plus the master level.
This Reiki system makes use of the love and compassion communication energies of reiki in healing and communication. Lovely system of healing to work with and will enhance your healing practice.
Kava Reiki Levels
The first level of Kava Reiki will personally attune you to the 3 Kava Reiki Heart
symbols. Your heart star will become activated at this level. This is where your
heart becomes like a bright star, once the healing has taken place and the heart
Each attunement/level will open you to more of the Kava Reiki energies. You will
also receive a Heart Opening/Healing at each level, as well each time working at a deeper level of healing.
Kava Reiki Level 4: Heart Opening/Healing
The final Kava Reiki Attunement, before the Master's Level will open you to more of
the Kava Reiki energies and perform a very deep level of heart healing. In addition,
your heart transmutation ability will be activated, which allows you to be able to
transmute all communications coming and going, to a loving vibration.
- 5 distance attunements
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate
PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email