By Rev. Andrea L. Meyers ( Suraya )
The Higher Clearing Ray energy is a highter octave of the celebrated Violet Flame Of Transmutation. It is a finer, subtler clearing energy, sourced from the Sacral Chakra area (just under naval) on the Soul Level of the energy field. The ray and center are mint or sea foam green in color.
This ray is useful for all forms of detoxification: Phsyical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. It has been used successfully to transmute both air & water pollution. It can also transmute toxins in the human body.
The energy of this ray feels very fine & somewhat tingly but not like the camphor tingle of some energies such as certain forms of Seichim. One can compare it to the feelign of millions of fizzy bubbles foaming gently through the body. Most often the recipient will also feel a cool sensation when the facilitator activates this ray.
The Archangel of this Ray is Adonael, who is one of the seven archangels according to the Testament of Solomon & a healing angel who can overcome the "demons of disease". In this work, he presides over the purification of the Spiritual Vehicle or Body. As with all forms of reiki, it is NOT suggested to give up on current medical treatments, but, use reiki in conjunction with it.
Azuriel is the Arceia, or female Archangel, of the Higher Clearing Ray. She is the celestial being who brings the energy down into the physical plane. As such, She is concerned with the purification of the Physical Vehicle (Physical Body). Both Adonael & Azuriel co-operate in the clearing of the subtle bodies - Mental & Emotional.
- distance attunements via chi ball method
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate
PLUS - you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
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