The Grounding And Revitalizing Reiki Attunement Package is specifically chosen reiki attunements and empowerments to help you become more grounded and increase your vitality.
This will help you in life with challenges and obstacles and will help you feel much more alive.You can check out each individual system and its merits if you prefer as they are all sold individually, but by buying them all together as 1 package you will make substantial savings.
Stop living life in the doldrums - become energised!
These systems all have differnt channellers/compilers. You can read about each system elsewhere on the site as they are all sold separately
The attunements included in this package are:
Black Vortex
Body PH Balancing
Clear Light Flush
Copper Elemental Spirit
Crystalline Rays Stabilizer
Divine Harmony levels 1-3
Dravite Light Elixir
Emotional Stability Booster
Empathy Negative Attachment Protection
Energetic Booster Axis
Fire Light Energy Core
Golden Pure Vibration
Grounding Empowerment
Grounding Flush
Harmony Empowerment
Heart LIght Qi
High Energy Revitalizer
Kofutu Touch
Lotus Healer
Magic Liquid Energizer
Magical Dolphin
Metaphysical Harmony
Pink Flame Radiance
Purple Laser
Rainbow Shakti Reiki
Sacred Machu Picchu
Star Energetic Charger
Tikun Hakklali Shakti
Universal Spiritual Harmony
White Jade Elixir
- distance attunements
- manuals
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate
PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email