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Gayatri Seichim Reiki

Gayatri Seichim Reiki

Regular price £25.00 GBP
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By Stephen Comee

A new creative power has emerged as a specific practice that integrates two things, namely, the daily recitation of the ancient Gayatri Mantra (which is thousands of years old) and the modern-day healing practice known as Seichim.

This new system of healing, called Gayatri Seichim, is built of the powers that have formed the universe and that trace out the Creation Process that creates all things in all places and in all times. It is through the invocation of these powerful tools of creation that a new solution is now available that has the power to heal the souls of millions of people and soothe the troubles of the world.

Western Usui Reiki and systems of Seichim do not contain daily practice techniques to help practitioners access, develop, and strengthen healing powers on all seven levels of existence (physical, emotional, astral, mental, causal, etheric, and spiritual,). They also do not contain a built-in system through which practitioners can work on increasing their own healing and creative powers.

In most cases, Reiki and Seichim practitioners have been led to believe that Reiki and Seichim healing power is the same for all practitioners and that it becomes available simply through an initiation process. This is far from the truth.

Gayatri Seichim gives you the tools needed to expand your powers through the addition of a development system that utilizes ancient Sound (mantra) and Light (yantra) technology. As you increase your healing power, you will also learn how to manifest any desire, since healing is nothing more than a portion of the spectrum of creation. To become a powerful healer, you need to first learn how to become a powerful creator.

If you are already an initiated Reiki or Seichim practitioner, Gayatri Seichim techniques offer you the unique keys capable of taking healing and creation to a newer and much more powerful level. You will receive the attunement, certificate, lineage and manual.


- distance attunement
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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