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Ethereal Flowers Reiki - 2 levels

Ethereal Flowers Reiki - 2 levels

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By Ole Gabrielson

Ethereal Flowers Reiki is a lovely gentle attunement that will teach you how to make powerful flower remedies in seconds.

Through attunement you gain access to a specific flower's energy and can channel it by intention. These are the same flowers that are used in the Bach Flower Essences.


Ethereal Flowers I
You are attuned to the following flowers:
Agrimony - Mental torture behind a cheerful face.
Aspen - Fear of unknown things.
Beech Intolerance.
Centaury - Have difficulty in saying no and are anxious to please.
Cerato - Doubt your own ability to judge situations.
Cherry Plum - Fear of losing control of the mind.
Chestnut Bud - Refuses to learn by experience.
Chicory - Are overly possessive. The care for others is self-centered and manipulative.
Clematis - Dreamy, absent-minded, lack of interest in present.
Crab Apple - The cleansing remedy, have a poor self-image.
Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibility.
Gentian - Easily discouraged.
Gorse - Hopelessness and despair, pessimistic.
Heather - Obsessed with own troubles and experiences, dislike being alone.
Holly - Hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion.
Honeysuckle - Living in the past, nostalgic, feeling homesick.
Hornbeam - 'Monday morning' feeling, tiredness at the thought of doing something, procrastination.
Impatiens - Impatience, easily irritated.
Larch - Lack of self-confidence.

Learn how to:
Make a remedy
Prepare a remedy for another person
Pass on Ethereal Flowers

Ethereal Flowers II
In this attunement you are attuned to the following flowers:
Mimulus - Fear of known things.
Mustard - Deep gloom for no reason.
Oak - Are driven by a strong sense of duty and struggle on although exhausted.
Olive - Fatigued, feel exhausted.
Pine - Guilt Blame yourself for other people's mistakes.
Red Chestnut - Over-concerned for others.
Rock Rose  - Scared, terror, fright.
Rock Water - Are inflexible, self-denial, rigidity and self-repression.
Scleranthus - Suffer from indecision.
Star Of Bethlehem - Grief or shock.
Sweet Chestnut - Extreme mental anguish.
Vervain - Over-enthusiasm.
Vine - Dominance and inflexibility.
Walnut - Protection from change and unwanted influences, assists in adjustment to transition or change.
Water Violet - Pride and aloofness.
White Chestnut - Persistent unwanted thoughts.
Wild Oat - Uncertainty over one's direction in life.
Wild Rose - Drifting, resignation, apathy.
Willow - Self-pity and resentment.


- distance attunements
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS - you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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