by Hari Andri Winarso
Essential Earth Love Attunement helps you to align with the energy of Mother Earth and she will provide you with all you need. Earth is also associated with stability, nurturing, prosperity and support.
The Essential Earth Love help calm the emotions and bring the body back into a state of peace. It help one to clearly communicate from a calm, cool state of expression. Essential Earth Love connect with the energy of the Earth’s vibration and consciousness. It helps one to understand that living in balance and having respect for the Earth is vital for us at this time.
The Essential Earth Love's energy promotes confidence, abundance, and an increased sense of possibility. An energy with powerful regenerative energy, The Essential Earth Love is particularly recommended for people experiencing a sense of burn-out in financial matters. So if you're in a period where you feel like you're working hard but getting nowhere fast, or if the ladder of success is feeling more like a treadmill, it is for you.
Often those who are experiencing financial troubles feel themselves at the mercy of a system beyond their control. In such instances, Essential Earth Love will work to restore confidence and a sense of direction. Imparting what might best be called a sense of willful optimism, Essential Earth Love will also help to mitigate depression and eradicate irrational attitudes toward financial dealings. With its fast-acting energy, it will put you back in touch with a sense of what you need to survive in the world and will further improve communication from the soul to the ego.
price set by founder
- distance attunement
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate
PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email