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Energetic Magick of John Dee Empowerment

Energetic Magick of John Dee Empowerment

Regular price £30.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £30.00 GBP
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By Daelyn Wolf

Energetic Magick of John Dee Empowerment will connect you to the magick and energy of John Dee. It opens your energy and mind to learning, personal growth, and spiritual enlightenment. As you work with the energies your enlightenment expands and you understand everything from a new perspective. You abilities to work with magick and psychic abilites improve and expand. Your understanding of the angelic realms increases as you learn to work with them communicate with them on higher energy level.

John Dee was a philosopher, astrologer, magician, alchemist, and angel conjurer. He often advised nobility and was connected, to the Rosicrucians. He practiced esoteric philosphies and worked with the angelic realms.


Price fixed by founder



- distance attunement
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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