Dakini Reiki

Dakini Reiki

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by Iona G. M. Winton

The literal meaning of Dakini is “Sky Dancer” The Western form of Dakinis are Angels, who are beautiful celestial beings who fly in the sky and who sometimes come down to earth to provide inspiration and support to us mortals, which is the same for Dakinis.

Dakinis can manifest on earth in human form or take birth as a human. These are then called “worldly Dakinis”. Dharma Dakinis are devoted to a higher purpose and their actions are generally positive. But it is hard to generalize since they aim to break our fixation on concrete thoughts and use their powers to arouse us out of our habits and steer us on a path of truth. These messengers who go between our earthly realm and the higher realm bring us powerful teachings and blessings to sincere seekers.


- distance attunement
- short manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self-development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

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