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Connect With Your Shamanic Pathway Empowerment

Connect With Your Shamanic Pathway Empowerment

Regular price £10.00 GBP
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By Caroline Todd

Shamanism has been with us in one form or another for thousands of years. Although, the role of the Shaman remains one of service and healing, today it is used in a very different way. A Shaman can be either male or female and it has always been that way.


The word “Shaman” means different things to different people. In the modern accepted sense of the word, Shamans are spiritual beings who use rituals, intuition, meditation, journeying, and medicine knowledge to help others. Primarily, their role was to converse with those in the upper and lower spiritual worlds to gain understanding and information to help their tribes, communities, and land.


Why Connect With Your Shamanic Path?

By being true to yourself and your purpose in life, you will find a dramatic difference. I am not saying that you will instantly be cured of all ills and have mountains of money – that is not the way, but you will experience an inner knowing and understanding of your true path. A clarity will seep through your essence and you will truly embrace your power for the good of yourself and others.

This empowerment will help you connect with your Shamanic pathway, helping you on your spiritual journey.


- distance attunement
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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