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Chakra Tantra Reiki

Chakra Tantra Reiki

Regular price £50.00 GBP
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By Edite Peca and Victor Glanckopf

Chakra Tantra Reiki is a form of spiritual healing which specifically balances the
female and male energies within the chakras and awakens the Kundalini energy to set
free the strength and force running through our main shushuma (energy channel)
which through the crown chakra unites humans to the universal creative and expanding force.

Chakra Tantra Reiki is especially effective for the balancing of the male and female energies within us and helps us in discovering our animus/anima aspects as the
psychologist Jung would define it, and to integrate these two energies and aspects of
our personality. In Hindu philosophy these two polar forces are represented and
reigned over by the deities Shiva and Shakti and are represented as the melting of yoni and lignam which metaphorically stand for procreativity through the joining of the heavenly male energies and the earthly female energies.

- distance attunement
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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