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Becoming Whole Again Reiki Package

Becoming Whole Again Reiki Package

Regular price £130.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £130.00 GBP
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Becoming Whole Again Reiki Package will help you discover yourself as you were intended to live. it will inspire you, develop your self confidence, give you energy and increase your abundance.

Leading the life you want rather than the life thrust upon you is a decision you can now take with the wonderful set of attunements specifically designed to take you on a journey of self discovery to oneness. These attunements are all separate reiki systems in their own right and have been channelled by different spiritual authors or channellers.

Courses Included:

  1. Absolutely Infinitely Abundant Universe
  2. Authentic Life
  3. Da'At Void of Potential Awakening
  4. Divine Mind Divine Soul Divine Spirit Connection
  5. Dragonfly Vibration Harmony
  6. Empowered Goddess Within
  7. Eternal Cosmic Christ
  8. Fairies of the Roses Empowerment
  9. Fantastic Leader
  10. Full Moon Inner goddess
  11. Future Reality Background Matrix Synergy
  12. Goddess Nu Wa
  14. High Spiritual Energy Flush
  15. Higher Self Journey Activations
  16. Inner Strength Reiki
  17. Kali Ma New Moon
  18. Light of Truth
  19. Multidimensional Awareness Clearing
  20. Multidimensional Self Empowerment
  21. Mystic Reiki
  22. New Moon Manifestation
  23. Number One Spirit Generator
  24. Oya Goddess of Change
  25. Peace Love
  26. Self knowledge Rays
  27. Silver Fire Protective Shield
  28. Starburst New Beginning
  29. Strategic Skills
  30. The Absolute Confidence Empowerment
  31. Transformation Guide Spirit
  32. True Identity
  33. True Self Higher Being of Light
  34. True Self Illumination
  35. Unconditional Love Empowerment
  36. White Clear Body Spirit


- distance attunements
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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