By Patrick Zeigler
Sekhem is the ancient Egyptian word for Universal Energy and Power. It is translated as "Power of Powers". The symbol for Sekhem in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics is a sceptre. The sceptre was held by many deities of ancient Egypt and represents the connection of Heaven and Earth.
The Seichim/Sekhem systems that have been developed based on the Usui Reiki model use symbols and attunements in a similar way to Usui Reiki. Treatments are also given in a similar way, including distance healing treatments.
The Seichim attunement is very similar to a Reiki attunement, but brings in a slightly different vibrational energy type, which will always be available to you while healing. There is no need for you to consciously choose this alternate energy type, as it will be selected automatically when appropriate, however you can consciously select it using your Intent if your intuition suggests it.
In 1979 Patrick Zeigler spent the night in the Great Pyramid in Egypt . During that night, he was led to understand the healing art of Seichim (SKHM). He first introduced Seichim to other healers in 1984.
There are seven symbols included in the manual to accelerate personal development.
Seichim, a complete healing system of wisdom, balancing both the yin and yang energies of power and transformation. Seichim is a living light energy as well as an ancient Egyptian of healing wisdom Patrick Zeigler rediscovered in the 70's.
Seichim complements and enhances traditional medicine. It is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
Benefits of Seichim include:
- Improved quality of life
- relaxation
- stress reduction
- clearing of addictive patterns
- emotional stability
- greater self esteem
- increased vitality and energy.
Seichim works together with the unconscious, the Higher Self and the Angelic Guides. It opens the heart to create a multi-dimensional bridge of unity with the Source. It promotes balance, transformation, positive wellness and higher consciousness.
- distance attunement
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- certificate
PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
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