Reiki Training
Reiki training is different when you are beginner compared to someone who has already been introduced to it. In this article, we will talk about the first four levels to give people an idea of what actually happens.During level one, the instructor will introduce you to the energy. Here, you get to develop a relationship with it by learning how to work with it, how it feels through your body and the effects on using this on yourself and others. Over the course of two days, you will learn the 4 attunements. There will be enough time given to allow your system to settle into the new space and after a 21 day cleansing session, you will no longer feel any negative energy in your system. Level two Reiki training should be done at least two months after you have completed level one. During this time, your vibration level should be much higher.
Most people do not go beyond level two because they are already happy with what they have learned. But for those who want to push on and even become a master, they can continue on their way to level three. It is recommended that you wait at least 6 to 12 months before you take level 3. When you are ready, you will again undergo a two day session so you may received your final attunement. There is another 21 day cleaning period and you may even be taught another Reiki system like the Seichim to help you through. From here, we go the fourth and final level where you will be taught how to become both a master and a teacher so you may also teach those who want to learn about the Reiki. What makes this different from the first three levels is that you will be taught now from an instructor’s perspective.
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