Herbal Medicine Chest

Herbal medicine takes some time to form the chest and what is its size and what do you put in it. There are lots of herbs out there, but take the time to learn what each one has, and understand nothing if you don't need its healing value.

The first thing you need to do is make a list of the medicines and herbs you take on a daily basis and take them with you when you need them. Consider your symptoms, what works to help them, and you may need to ask a doctor about it. Also, try to list if they are nectar, color or pills. Some BS herbs are in season and some you can get all year round. Some doctors do not like to use herbal remedies for their patients. Sometimes people don't know much about herbs, and it really makes them sick. Read labels carefully. Discuss the side effects and if the doctor tells you not to take any medicine, no. It can also cause problems for your health. You also need to pay attention to how much you have to pay. Discuss diet with your doctor and get some herbal instructions so you don't know anything. Being an informed patient helps you and your doctor take great care of your health.

Here is a list of a few herbs and illnesses:

Acne:  Burdock Insomnia:  Valerian

Alcohol Abuse:  Milk Thistle Migraines:  Feverfew

Arthritis:  Devil's Claw Mood Support:  St. John's Wort

Blood Purification:  Dandelion Nausea:  Ginger

Brain Food:  Ginkgo Stress:  Kava Kava

Breathe Easy:  Licorice Water Retention:  Dandelion Leaf

Calming Agent:  Valerian 

Cholesterol:  Garlic

Cleanse and Detox:  Milk Thistle 

Circulation:  Hawthorn Berries

Colds/Flu:  Echinacea

Cough Calmer:  Eucalyptus

Depression:  St. John's Wort

Digestion:  Peppermint

Eyes:  Bilberry

Heart Support:  Hawthorn Berries


Why not try: Yellow Dock Empowerment