Celtic Reiki, Drawing Energy From Nature

Celtic Reiki, Drawing Energy From Nature

Energy flows from the hands of a practitioner towards the person being healed. This is how reiki healing is conducted. Using the life force energy that is present in and all around us to heal and re-establish balance in one's being is one of the basic beliefs of reiki. And taking this life force energy a little further, practitioners have entered into realizations and developed several reiki techniques to promote healing faster. One of which is a version called Celtic reiki.


Celtic reiki utilizes the energy flows present on Earth and specific plants.  Practitioners of this reiki use not only the universal “life force” energy present in all things but also the specific energy found in nature to heal those who needs healing. This reiki system comes from the religious beliefs of early Celts. To the early Celts, trees are important aspects of their religion believing that trees have their own spirits. They gave the trees such high regards that they even patterned their writing system based on the trees.


Why not try: Celtic Soul Reiki

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