5 Factors that Are Necessary for Personal Enlightenment

The concept of ‘to enlighten’ is very similar to the thought of ‘turning the light on’. When we think of personal enlightenment, it is easy to think of it as a ‘turning the light on inside me’. It is about getting to know myself. There are five factors necessary for this personal enlightenment. Learning these factors will change our own lives and the lives of those around us.


  1. Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is Necessary for Self-acceptance


  1. Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is Necessary to Change Ourselves and Our World
  1. Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is a Journey, Not a Destination
  1. Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is a Force for Good and Not Evil
  1. Believe that Our Past Influences Do Not Control Our Future


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