When Trying to Lose Weight, Don’t Forget to Exercise
A startling statistic has been circulating over the Internet. This stat claims that half of all those who want to lose weight don’t exercise. While this might seem mind-boggling at first, it is not entirely surprising, when you stop to consider what American culture has become.
In the early days of the republic, the majority of Americans did hard labor on farms. They were used to exercise during their normal workday, so they ate large meals in order to give them the energy they needed to complete their tasks. There weren’t any Oprah Winfreys around back then to question their eating habits.
In the 19th century, Americans began moving into cities to take factory jobs. Again, they spent much of their time on their feet. Many walked to work and to school, so exercise was a part of their normal routine. They didn’t have to worry about doing Pilates or strength training, since ordinary life afforded many opportunities to exercise.
Why not try: Common Exercise And Training