When Things Go Wrong—Are They Failures or Opportunities?

When Things Go Wrong—Are They Failures or Opportunities?

Many people try new ideas and when they don’t go well for them, they give up and feel like failures. Others, after trying new ideas and failing refuse to give up and continue to try and many of them succeed, and those who don’t just enjoy the experience and turn their hands to something else.


Why do some people choose to make the most of the experience no matter what the result may be and others rate it a failure if things don’t go well?  The answer is an optimistic attitude to every experience in life. Successes are achievements enjoyed today and failures are learning tools for future experiences. There are no failures; they are simply steps towards future successes.


Learning to laugh at our mistakes and to dream big dreams are two very important characteristics that optimists develop that enable them to look at something that some may call as a failure as a learning opportunity. When we take our selves too seriously, we are more likely to think of our failures as permanent and they often attack our sense of self worth. When we can focus on our other successes and see this as a setback that we can laugh at and continue to dream of success next time we maintain our optimism.


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