What Are Your Excuses?

What Are Your Excuses?

All of us have something we really want to do but keep finding excuses not too. Maybe you want to start on a walking routine each day but there is always housework to do that “must come first.” Maybe you plan to take up golf, but there is always one more report to write for work. We are so good at making excuses about why some things are more important than other things, but in truth, life balance means that prioritizing time for the things we want to do is as important as doing the things we know we must do.


We all know how important a diary is and the importance of scheduling our time and planning to achieve the things need to accomplish. We have heard of the need to schedule the things we want to d into our day. In theory, it all makes sense and we would love to do it, and perhaps we do write those things into our schedule. Yet still we make excuses at the end of the day when we don’t do them.


Write down the last five things you intended to do but didn’t accomplish and then write beside them the reasons why you didn’t do them. Be honest with yourself about the excuses you made to justify why you didn’t do them. Maybe you felt too tired, or maybe you were fearful of walking that track alone. Maybe you decided to cook a nice dinner for your family instead of going to the movies.


Why not try: Shadow Self Empowerment

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