Understanding And Interpreting Dreams – Babies And Dreaming

Understanding And Interpreting Dreams – Babies And Dreaming

Understanding how we dream and why we dream for the interpretation and analysis of dreams involves the study of children and young children. Scientists have long known that children, and all other human beings, dream every night. Numerous studies have also shown that babies start dreaming before they are born. Indeed. The dreams of these children are still a mystery, but a recent study found that children spend more time sleeping in their dreams. In the study, children spent about two-thirds of their sleep in the REM state, while most adults averaged 15% to 20%. Trying to understand the importance of dream sleep for young children, scientists speculated that REM sleep plays an important role in the development of the child's brain.


As children get older and their brains mature, the amount of time spent dreaming in sleep begins to decrease. By the time the average child is one year old, the duration of sleep spent in REM sleep has dropped to 35%. This finding suggests that REM sleep is important for a child's mental development. Adults deprived of REM sleep suffer from a variety of psychological problems, so it makes sense that REM sleep and mental development are linked. In fact, many scientists and dream researchers believe that dreaming is a way to exercise the mind and achieve the necessary stimulation.


Dream research has shown that children can have bad dreams and nightmares as well as positive dreams. So, when a baby wakes up crying in the middle of the night, it can be the result of a bad dream and not gas, hunger from the need for a diaper change. In most cases, comforting the baby will help him fall asleep. As children get older, it is easier for parents to understand at least the dreams they may be suffering from. Nightmares usually start when a child is three years old and usually last until the child is six or seven.


Why not try: Dreams Interpretation Reiki

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