The Stress Of Death

I clearly remember the day my dad rode his first bike. On a refreshing autumn day, the sun was shining on the new Huffy. You remember how his hands carefully guided your bike along the way through the building of your apartment. I also remember his smile when he started driving his own bike. Memories remain with you when you begin preparing for your father's funeral. He had a long-term illness (cancer), and you knew the end was coming soon. But now you don't think he's ready for the day he actually died. While anticipating mourning, you were unaware that you face a lot of stress as a result of his death. You may be amazed at the amount of stress you are experiencing-even shocked.

We rarely associate death with stress, but the death of a loved one is one of the most stressful events in our lives. Whether it is the death of a parent, spouse, child, brother or sister, or a loved one, death causes us distress - not only to our own loss, but also to our own. The most stressful aspect of death can be the fear of the unknown - you may not know what to expect next, and you may wonder how to deal with the next obstacle in your way.


One thing you can do to deal with stress is to do something positive to remember your loved one. In other words, consider planting a tree, contributing to your loved one's favorite charity, or volunteering your time in a nursing home where your loved one is in their last days. Knowing that life still offers pleasant possibilities gives you hope - and helps you deal with your stress more effectively. Think a lot about how you want to take her after your love.


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