Reiki Timeline

Reiki Timeline

August 15, 1865  Miako Usui born in Japan

1868  Beginning of Meiji time

1869  Usui sent to a monastery school

1871  The Yen became currency in Japan

1877  Usui bagan his martial arts training

1888  After a bout with Cholera, Usui converted to Buddhism

1908  Usui's son, Fuji, born

1910  Shoeski Kaneko experienced and enlightenment after studying Zen for years and began using his healing abilities.

1913  Usui's daughter, Toshiko, born

1915  Kenzen no Genri, a book, came out using Usui's five principles

1915  Tamai Tempaku, artist of abdominal massage, published a book with this new modality

1918  Usui began three year training in Zen

1919  Mataji Kawakami published a book on the Reiki Ryoho

1920  Mariko Obaasan met Usui on Mt. Hiel and worked with him everyday until his death

1920  Toshiro Eguchi spent several months studying Usui's principles and teachings

1921  Usui worked as a secretary forhe Department of Health and Welfare

1922  In March, it is said that Usui received the Reiki power.  He went to Mt. Koya did his twenty one day meditation.

1922  In April, Usui opened his first treatment center

1922  Usui tried the Reiju empowerment too

1923 Usui develops system for levels of Judo

1923  Eguchi returned to a training center to practice his own te-no-hira or palm healings

1923  Earthquake registering 7.0 on the Richter Scale, over 106,000 people reported missing, Usui became quick in spreading Reiki all over Japan and gave him success and a reputation

1924  Usui moved to Tokyo

1926  Usui traveled to Fukuyama town and died there due to a stroke

1927  Usui students erect a memorial to him in Tokyo


Usui Mikao came out when she first noticed the power of Reiki. He used it to help people of all kinds and to help the world after bad weather. He taught many students and gave his wisdom to the next generation of Reiki scholars.


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