Reiki Therapy
Reiki therapy involves a lot of elements in just about every alternative healing practice. This is because it uses spiritual healing, meditation, aromatherapy, naturopathy and homeopathy among others to make the person or another feel better. But what makes this Japanese healing art so unique and popular is that it involves the transfer of energy in order to restore balance in the force. Reiki therapy has several basic effects. These include deep relaxation, detoxification of the system, the increases the vibration or frequency of the body, provide new vitality in the form of healing energy and removal of negative energy. In Reiki therapy, the practitioner places his or her hands over the patient. The recipient should be lying down so he or she is completely at ease and ready to welcome the positive energy.
For this to work, both the healer and the person being healed need to take an active part in the healing process. One sends forth the energy while the other should openly receive it. The strength of Reiki therapy depends on the level of the healer. There are three types and this improves through attunements. Reiki healers in the first level are only taught the basic hand positions and the scared symbol so they can perform direct healing over others. In level two, they can now teach the symbols and hand position so they can practice distance healing. In level three, the person should be able to know everything and thus earn the title of master and can already teach this to others.
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