

Reiki is defined as the Universal Life Force. The name comes from two Japanese words. Rei” meaning spirit and “Ki” meaning energy. When vitality passes through the practitioner, the patient is healed. Healing guides a person's higher self and Reiki will go where it is supposed to go. The patient does not have to believe it to work. Physicians aim at the healing power behind this ancient art.


There are four levels of Reiki training. Students need to focus on all levels when attending each class. Reiki I start teaching students once. Only Reiki Masters can see people. Reiki I practitioners can work on self-healing and animals. Reiki II brings students a little more responsibility. After gaining two perspectives at this level, I was able to work on others. They can also start charging for their practice. They also learn symbols of power, healing, and energy. At Reiki III, students learn how to work with long-distance medicine, surgery, or inpatients, and how to balance cycles with them. Reiki Masters are people who teach art that attracts and teaches students. They are also responsible for helping people by providing Reiki treatment, whether in a hospital environment.


After each lesson, students bring a table and practice reiki treatment with each other. In this way, you can learn which techniques work when you stay in one place for a long time and give you the opportunity to try out the new symbols you have learned. This is the best part of the class for some who give and receive the spirit of Reiki.


Why not try: What Is reiki?

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