Meanings of Personality Development

Meanings of Personality Development

In this world there are so many people and each person has a very different definition of what personality is. Human beings are very unique organisms. This is because they possess a very powerful element called the mind. They are the only creatures with this tool not any other animal in the whole planet has this element. The other animals have got the brain just like the human beings but the ability of their brain is only to some degree unlike the human beings. And so because of our powerful mind, we are able to control the whole world. This is very important to note because it plays a very important part in personality. It is the one that develops, enriches and boosts our personality in both internal and external beauty.


There is several meaning of the word personality from different sources and the dictionary has got numerous meanings. One of the main meanings of personality is that it is a set of a person’s characteristic. These set is made up of a person’s attitude, interests, different ways of behavior, the way one responds to emotions, the part that he plays in the society and many other personal qualities that last for a very long time. These characteristics are the ones that make one attractive and also to be noticed and thus socially interesting. It could also mean a very well known person, a person who is famous an example of such a person is an entertainer or an athlete. It could also mean an extraordinary person who is distinguishing. It is also the features of being a person and which make you to exist. 


These are the meanings which only look at the outside of a person but then they are true. The only way that we can be able to know a stranger is through the outside or what he has worn. This is because we cannot know his character or behavior from just looking at the person. Many people however judge ones personality from the external that is the looks. This is not supposed to be the case. To know the personality of a person you have to stay with them for some time.       


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