Keeping Your Cool: Managing Your Reactions To Stress
The TV is ringing ... the phone is ringing ... and someone has just come to the door. You are under a lot of pressure. As a result, you may feel out of control. If today is a particularly bad day, you may feel that there is no way out. You find yourself overwhelmed and under pressure. You will not realize that you have the power to deal with stress in a healthy way. You have no control over what happens in your life, but you can control your reaction to various stressors. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
Another habit of making stress more difficult than the need for health is not thinking about anything or anything. For example, if you have trouble studying for an exam, do you think you will fail? If you have a disagreement with your spouse, do you think you will eventually leave it? If your mother is sick, do you start to worry that she will die soon? Such catastrophic thinking can make difficult situations more stressful, more stressful. By taking a more realistic approach to problems, you can limit your emotional response to stress. Perfectionism can also be at the root of your stress.
It should be noted that it is not easy to control your reaction to stress. It takes a lot of time, patience and emotional effort. If you react quickly to stress, you may have to teach yourself to reduce your reaction. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. The work involved is worthwhile. Otherwise, you may find yourself struggling with stress-related illness. When all else fails, remember this slogan: take a breath and relax. When you can lose some time in a short time, you can get the most out of a long journey. And your friends and family may notice a different change in your emotional response to stress.
Why not try: Anti Stress Empowerment