How to Turn Your Friend into Your Lover
Friendship is one of the few things that we all treasure, and especially good friendship. This applies for both men and women. However, there are some cases where we start developing some extra feelings towards our friends. This is common between men and women friendships. One of the parties starts seeing the other as more than a friend.
To start with, do not show any kind of desperation. As you know, desperate times lead call for desperate measures. In this case, desperate measures might not help you out. In fact, they might worsen the situation. It is therefore wise to avoid desperation. Comfort yourself with the thought of many more options. Do not regard him or her as the only option.
Even when spending time with them, avoid doing this in groups. Make sure that you do them just the two of you; this will increase sensuality. Stop doing the things you use to do when you were friends. Start doing more intimate things. A good example is taking supper together at your place instead of going for movies. Watch a romantic movie at your place.
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