How to Think Happy Thoughts and Learn to Fly – 1

How to Think Happy Thoughts and Learn to Fly – 1

Peter Pan was asked by his friend Wendy how she could fly like him. He replied that to fly, all she had to do was to think happy thoughts. Although this was a children’s story and a fictions character, the moral of the story was and remains true. Thinking happy thoughts may not help us fly, but we can be as happy as we choose to be.


Many people allow their life circumstances to control them. Their sense of happiness rises and falls depending on what is happening in their life. This doesn’t need to be the case. We can focus on our happiness every day, so that feeling happy is a state of mind, not a reaction to the events in our life.


Ask yourself daily what you can do to create happiness in your life. At the end of each day take a check of the things you did that made you happy and be honest. If you can’t think of anything you did that produced a feeling of happiness, ask yourself—why and make an effort to change things tomorrow.


Why not try: Happiness Flush Reiki

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