History Of Color Therapy

History Of Color Therapy

Color therapy is a method of regaining imbalance by applying a specific color to the body. About 2500 years ago, Pythagoras used colored lights and colored holes to heal ancient Egypt and throughout China. The first color wheel was created by Sir Isaac Newton.

One hundred years after John Wolfgang created Goethe made his wheel, Newton began to study the influence of colors on the mind. Goethe also divided the colors into two different groups - plus group and subtraction group. The plus group had red, orange and yellow. The minus group includes green, blue, blue and purple. Plus the group causes excitement and brilliance. There was frustration and sadness because of the minus group.

Modern color therapy was started by Niels Finsen of Denmark. In 1877, he discovered the antibacterial action of solar radiation. Finsen studied how injuries heal a little faster when exposed to visible light.

Edward Babbitt was the founder of the principles of color therapy. He cured many ailments and diseases, from burns to the common cold. He found that by pouring a cup of water into the sun, the water would be treated with seven colored rays. Its rainbow treatment principles are followed by some people who drink colorful, solarized water to stay healthy and fit.

In 1897, Dr. Dinsha Ghadiali A woman is a constant diarrhea by lighting her body with indigo light. On the third day she was out of bed on foot. By the 1920s Dinshaw had invented spectro-chrome. They judged certain physical aspects of each color and how they handled certain behaviors.

In 1932, two California psychologists, Gerard and Hess, established that red has a dynamic effect, while blue has a calming effect.

 In 1985, Dars Denisch concluded that everything on Earth had some form of color. These colors are very useful in keeping people healthy and for therapeutic purposes.


Why not try: Magickal Color Reiki

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