Dream Interpretation – Dreams About Birds

Dream Interpretation – Dreams About Birds

Dreams of birds and other animals are the most common of all dreams. Birds' dreams often symbolize a desire to go beyond the earth and touch a more spiritual realm, but they may have other interpretations. This article focuses on some of the most commonly observed birds and their symbolic meanings in dream interpretation.


White Dove

The white dove is well known as a symbol of peace, or as a symbol of the Holy Spirit in the Christian religion.  Dreaming of a pair of doves can signal a yearning or a desire for love and companionship.


Mourning Dove

In many cultures dreaming of a mourning dove is thought of as a bad omen.  This is particularly true if the mourning dove is seen in an unusual situation, such as sitting on a bed or suddenly appearing out of nowhere.  Many people think dreaming of a mourning dove foretells the death of a family member or close friend.



Eagles can be both good symbols and bad.  For instance, the eagle is seen as a symbol of pride, which is one of the seven deadly sins, but also as a symbol of virtue, with is one of the cardinal virtues.  The eagle can also symbolize faith, understanding, healing and flight.  The Native Americans often pictured the Great Spirit as a soaring eagle, and dreaming of an eagle carries spiritual significance for many Native Americans.



The goose in a dream is often a symbol of loyalty and fidelity.



The nightingale is often seen as a symbol of pain and yearning, or a desire to reach for the unattainable.



The classic picture of the ostrich is of it burying its head in the sand, and dreaming of an ostrich could mean you are hiding from unpleasant facts, or trying to avoid and unpleasant but necessary situation.



The owl is most often thought of as a symbol for wisdom and knowledge.



The peacock is often thought to symbolize vanity.



The raven is often seen as a symbol of intelligence, but the presence of a raven in a dream can indicate the knowledge of things we would prefer not to know.



The stork is generally seen in western cultures as a symbol of babies and new birth.



The swan is often used to symbolize transformation, as well as loyalty and fidelity.



Dreams involving vultures are often feared as predicting an impending death, or that someone in the family is gravely ill.


The Egg

The egg is the universal symbol for beginnings and new life.  In Christianity, the egg is sometimes used as a symbol or metaphor for resurrection and renewal.


Dreams about birds are among the most interesting dreams. When interpreting your own bird dreams, don't limit yourself to the interpretations offered in this article. Dreams are as unique and individual as the people who dream them and their meanings are deep. Dreams about birds can include flight and takeoff. Flying and soaring in dreams is often a pleasant and evolving experience, and flying dreams are a favorite among dreamers around the world. Flying in your dream can indicate many things, including the sense of accomplishment and power, or the feeling that you will ascend to heaven beyond the small things of the day.


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