Colors And Healing
The throat cycle runs from blue to white. Blue means spirituality and a great healing power. It can help calm your mind, help you fall asleep, help with a fever or when you have a severe shock in your life. Its quiet nature is to keep us connected to the universe.
The root cycle runs on this color. It represents our relationship with the earth and always shows a positive outlook. Red Jr. offers strong qualities of courage, security and confidence. It inspires and creates wearers. It can help when you are tired, anemic, need courage, or just need some fresh energy.
The solar plexus cycle is under the same color. It is often called the brain of the nervous system. When the cycle is balanced, we should not have stomach problems. It helps to clear the pores of the skin and stimulates the brain. Yellow is compared to joy and radiance. It can help when you are tired, depressed, have skin or weight problems or you have an ulcer.
The sacral chakra is governed by this color. Orange stimulates us and helps us in times of depression and loneliness. Orange also intertwines with the love of red and the wisdom of yellow. This color will help the wearer to increase appetite, relieve nerves, asthma and allergies. It also helps when you are low on energy to get the job done.
This color controls the heart chakra. Green is a harmonious energy that helps balance. It has a very strong connection with nature and can help the wearer to calm down and create more harmony in life. Green can help calm your nerves when you have a migraine, when you need peace and tranquility, and positive and happy feelings.
Why not try: Magickal Color Reiki